Field Notes


SKU: SGM0002 Category:


“This collection of piano compositions and improvisations is the first release on Sweetgrass Music by former Windham Hill pianist, Philip Aaberg. From intimate reflections on the writings of Barry Lopez (National Book Award Winner) to the brilliant and emotional interpretation of the folk tune “Sweet Betsy From Pike”, this recording is a kaleidoscope of contemporary pianism, with nods to the musical worlds of bluegrass, Keith Jarrett, and John Adams, but with Aaberg’s very personal and unmistakable imprint. These are all new pieces, with the exception of the virtuosic and cinematic” Don’t Stop Now” (showcased in a 2002 PBS filming of the huge annual Montana Symphony performance), and the heart-breaking “Forgiveness”.

I.Field Notes:Suite

Homecoming, At One Point I See Antelope, Within Birds’Hearing, Lessons from the Wolverine:(Part1),(Part2), West Along the Fjord, The Open Lot, Teal Creek, Entreaty, The Bells of the Abandoned Saint Peter’s School: (Part1),(Part2), Winter Came, The Grace Note of the Canyon Wren, The Forgiving Water

II. To Kill a Mockingbird:Suite
Forgiveness, Boo Radley, Atticus Finch, Jem and Scout, Big Low Banjer, The Trial:(Part1), (Part2)

III. Big Sky Spinning:Suite
Sweet Betsy From Pike, You’ll Never Know, Don’t Stop Now


On Field Notes:

“One day I was done in the studio, and Phil was in town and I called him asked  him if he wanted to record. He had an hour and recorded the improvisations on my piano, one take each, that are the basis for this great album in that one hour.  I was amazed and I couldn’t do that even if I practiced for 1000 years !!  But more than that, it totally captures the beauty and essence of Montana, as all his great albums and concerts do.  – George Winston, pianist

Additional information

Weight 0.20 lbs
Dimensions 5.50 × 5.50 × 0.25 in


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